Geramino Bowsprit
Bowsprit using Ring on Roller
Geronimo gets Aspin - Fabrizio Andrighettoa

In talking to Ezio Cantone and Fabrizio Andrighetto, I realized the guys overseas in the Italian F235 contingent had some nice ideas. Of course, not reading or speaking Italian makes each idea seem all the more esoteric, and even though Google can do its best, the translation result is something akin to an SNL sketch.

That being said, I dig Fabrizio's "881 Geronimo" bowsprit solution which is probably a mixture of the easiest and most straight forward options if going with a bowsprit for your no fuss First 235 Asymmetrical spinnaker solution.

Andrighettoa made a half loop using the actual bow roller attachment. One could purchase a premade Ring with inner sleeve from Selden as seen in their new kit, below. You can even go with their pole but it seems cheaper and easier to make your own. . Geronimo employs the bow cleat to hold the inner just like Peter Mohr on Helia. Both use bobstays to secure the pole from upward drift. Both have starboard bias due to using roller. Thanks to the Italian F235 guys for the pics.

Also see Peter Mohr's Bowsprit on Helia

See Selden Bowsprit Kit Info

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