The Beneteau First 235 Fin Keel - Click for full

First 235 Wing Keel with unusual wing configuration
Click for larger view -

The First 235 elliptical Fin up close - click for full
Wing Keel from rear quarter view - Click for full
Leif Beiley F235 Lead Keel drawings - See page
I would rather have the fin keel for sailing performance personally.
While the wing keel does bring almost a foot better clearance,
it is harder to get off from a grounding since rocking is not
advantageous. Worse still, it appears as if the wing keel is a
good bit more shallow than the rudder when at its lowest and most
effective position (raising the rudder up puts the tiller too
high in the boat in my opinion not to mention loss of steerage)).
Yes, you have 2' 9 vs 3' 8, but with the rudder hanging below,
this is sketchy at best and potentially dangerous at worst. See
the posts at the bottom of the COMMENTS
page. Terry Ellis does have some interesting observations below.
There is a continuing argument over which keel type is
best. The deep fin generally gives better performance to windward
(points higher). Yet, many prefer shoal draft keels to avoid grounding
in our typically shallow waterways in the U.S. I found this description
of the difference between the two very informative.
Here's what an experienced sailor and current Beneteau owner said:
Deep fin keel vs shoal draft wing keel?
It really doesn't matter what hull you have, the results are the
same. The fin keel allows a boat to point a little better (important
if the competition is on a high level and real close). In my example
(35s5) there is about a 5 degree or so of apparent wind difference
between the two keels. According to polar diagrams, a 35s5 with
a deep fin should be able to sail at 26 degrees apparent, with
a speed of 6.8 knots in 8 knots of true wind where as in mine
(wing keel), I need not get closer than 31 or 32 degrees apparent
wind. Otherwise, my VMG goes in the toilet. In most cases involving
competition having a wing keel should not have a real impact.
In fact, the opposite may be true. The time allowance for having
a wing keel is like getting bonus points in the PHRF rating. The
shoal draft may offer additional flexibility if the water is thin
in your sailing area. So if you are in a group where the competition
is on a high level and you are at that same level then strong
consideration must be given the fin keel.
I had the same questions about my wing keel. In my case, having
a wing keel is a bonus (I don't have to sail as hard). I regularly
beat boats scratch that give me time (Swans, Tartens, J boats,
etc). Take a look at your situation. You shouldn't be disappointed
by having a wing keel."
By "wing keel" I include true wing keels as well as
shoal draft "bulb" keels that are "wingish/oval/torpedo"
shapes found on my F210 Classic and other Beneteau Models.
Terry Ellis
For a more sobering look, see this FAQ from a C34 site
And now for something completely different, see the only known
custom F235 lead keel modification done by Leif Beiley of B boat
design fame. Here for the first time to view, is Leif's own drawing
of the keel and his comments, this provided by Jeff Burne, owner
of the F235 Pegasus. The mod was commisioned by the previous
owner but Jeff gets to reap the rewards. Take a look at the drawing
in greater detail along with some more comments.
see Leif
Beiley custom Lead Beneteau F235 Keel